ロケットリーグ公式 reddit、Discordサーバーより状況と今後の対応について発信がありました。
Earlier today, we took action against a number of accounts running bots in Rocket League. This banwave should cover the vast majority of accounts that have used bots since they first appeared in online matches towards the end of 2022, and we will continue to monitor for bots and take appropriate action against any players/accounts using them. Furthermore, to help us address bots in future matches, we have added a “Cheating” report reason back into the game. You can find this in game on the report reason list in the Report/Block menu.
Finally, we are taking steps to introduce additional anti-cheat functionality into Rocket League. This is in progress with the engineering teams, and we’ll share more on this once we’re closer to implementation.
While we have been quiet on the subject during this time, we have been actively investigating these bots since they first appeared late last year. We strive to be active participants when it comes to community conversations about our game, but we are always going to be more deliberate on issues related to game security and competitive integrity, withholding comments until we are ready to take action.
There is a zero tolerance policy when it comes to using bots in online play. This is considered both cheating and matchmaking abuse, and it violates the Rocket League Terms of Use as well as the Code of Conduct. Also, if you are interested in working with Psyonix directly on anything bot-related, you can reach out to us here on Reddit, on Discord, or Twitter. Thanks, all.
---@Psyonix_Devin https://discord.gg/rocketleague より一部抜粋
本日未明、我々はRocket Leagueでボットを実行している多数のアカウントに対して措置を講じました。今回のBAN WAVEは、2022年末にオンラインマッチに初めて登場して以来、ボットを使用してきたアカウントの大部分をカバーするはずであり、今後もボットの監視を続け、ボットを使用しているプレイヤー、アカウントに対して適切な対処を行う予定です。さらに、今後の対戦でボットに対処するため、ゲーム内のレポートの理由に「チート」を追加しました。これはゲーム内のレポート、ブロックメニューにあるレポート理由のリストで確認することができます。
最後に、私たちはRocket Leagueに追加のアンチチート機能を導入するための措置を講じています。これはエンジニアリング・チームと進行中であり、実装に近づいたら詳細をお伝えします。